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Marobeth Ruegg Oil Paintings: 2011-2014

Toe River Arts Gallery - Spruce Pine 269 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine

I think of my art as my part of a call-and-response song. The illimitable beauty of the earth is the call and my paintings are my response. I have chosen […]

John Hartom and Jenny Lou Sherburne: Syncopated Harmony

Toe River Arts Gallery - Spruce Pine 269 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine

This is an exhibition of two area artists, working in different mediums, using both color and pattern in an assertive and dramatic manner. Their objects work together in a clear […]

Hand-Building Clay

High Country Ceramic Arts, Burnsville. 552 E U.S. Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville

Join High Country Ceramic Arts artist Cheryl Munyan for two afternoons learning how to weave clay into trays and bowls out of clay. Underglazing and bisque firing is included. For […]