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Alena Applerose

Alena Applerose

Toe River Arts | Metals Alena Applerose Small metals applerosedesign.com Instagram: @applerosedesignsFacebook: @artsyapplerose Alena Applerose is a maker and art educator living in the South Toe River Valley in western North Carolina. Her works are heavily influenced...
Jess Martens

Jess Martens

Toe River Arts | Metals Jess Martens BLACK MOUNTAIN CRAFT 951.663.7274jess@blackmountaincraft.com blackmountaincraft.com Instagram: @black_mountain_craftFacebook: Black Mountain Craft “Hello, I’m Jessica Martens. I practice copper electro-forming and a few...
Constance Schulze

Constance Schulze

Toe River Arts | Small Metals Constance Schulze CS DESIGNS Metalsmith/Jeweler 165 High Acres Rd Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 By appointment only 864.316.5860 caschulze@yahoo.com Facebook: CS Jewelry Designs “I am fundamentally curious, and I find inspiration...
Dori Settles

Dori Settles

Toe River Arts | Glass Dori Settles FUNKY DORI Glass 255 Cabin RoadSpruce Pine, North Carolina 2877735.923020, -82.051240By appointment only 402.660.2329info@funkydori.com funkydori.comIG: @funkydoriartFacebook: Funky Dori Art “I am multi-passionate artist working...
Pete Peterson

Pete Peterson

Toe River Arts | Small Metals Pete Peterson APPALACHIAN COTTAGE JEWELRY Jewelry 1371 E US Hwy 19Burnsville, North Carolina 28714 Open daily by appointment 828.777.3650 petemotel77@charter.net draytonjewelry.com Jewelry designed with 12K gold, sterling silver and...
Paige Davis

Paige Davis

Toe River Arts | Jewelry Paige Hamilton Davis 2778 Halls Chapel Rd. Celo, North Carolina 828.675.5034 pahada3@gmail.com@pahada3 Paige Davis is best known for her sculptural forged ironwork. Moving effortlessly between sculpture and function, Davis puts a contemporary...
Stacey Lane

Stacey Lane

Toe River Arts | Jewelry Stacey Lane STACEY LANE STUDIO JEWELRY Bakersville, North Carolina 28705 828.467.2165 By appointment staceylane.com staceylanekline@gmail.com I work in silver, bronze and gold, incorporating precious and semi-precious stones and pearls. In...
Delphia Lamberson

Delphia Lamberson

Toe River Arts | Small Metals Delphia Lamberson Little Switzerland, North Carolina 28749 Delphia Lamberson works primarily in silver, pulling inspiration from nature and architectural design. TOE RIVER ARTS MAP SELECTED WORKS FOR SALE View all of Delphia Lamberson’s...