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Marobeth Ruegg Oil Paintings: 2011-2014

Toe River Arts Gallery - Spruce Pine 269 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine, NC, United States

I think of my art as my part of a call-and-response song. The illimitable beauty of the earth is the call and my paintings are my response. I have chosen […]

John Hartom and Jenny Lou Sherburne: Syncopated Harmony

Toe River Arts Gallery - Spruce Pine 269 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine, NC, United States

This is an exhibition of two area artists, working in different mediums, using both color and pattern in an assertive and dramatic manner. Their objects work together in a clear […]

Beginner Wheel Throwing

High Country Ceramic Arts, Burnsville. 552 E U.S. Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville, North Carolina

Melanie Risch of High Country Ceramic Arts will lead this 2-day workshop introducing participants to wheel throwing. Learn how to center clay on the potter’s wheel, throw basic vessels, trim, […]

Bringle: A Tale of Two Makers Community Showing – Spruce Pine

Toe River Arts Gallery - Spruce Pine 269 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine, NC, United States

We invite you to join Toe River Arts in a private screening of BRINGLE: A Tale of Two Makers. Two private screenings are scheduled, July 17th in Spruce Pine and […]

Young Potters — On the Wheel

High Country Ceramic Arts, Burnsville. 552 E U.S. Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville, North Carolina

Join Toe River Artist Anna Early at High Country Ceramic Arts for two mornings of wheel throwing! Kids ages 7 and older will learn to throw on the pottery wheel. […]

Hand-Building Clay

High Country Ceramic Arts, Burnsville. 552 E U.S. Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville, North Carolina

Join High Country Ceramic Arts artist Cheryl Munyan for two afternoons learning how to weave clay into trays and bowls out of clay. Underglazing and bisque firing is included. For […]

Textiles Camp

Toe River Arts Gallery - Spruce Pine 269 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine, NC, United States

This week-long summer camp will offer participants aged 8+ a chance to explore creating art with textiles. We will weave, dye, sew and learn about traditional and contemporary ways to […]

Intermediate Wheel Throwing

High Country Ceramic Arts, Burnsville. 552 E U.S. Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville, North Carolina

In this two-day class with Melanie Risch, learn how to take your throwing to the next level. We’ll cover lidded jars, closed forms, throwing off the hump, throwing taller/bigger pieces, […]

Bringle: A Tale of Two Makers Community Showing – Burnsville

Burnsville Town Center 6 South Main St, Burnsville, NC, United States

We invite you to join Toe River Arts in a private screening of BRINGLE: A Tale of Two Makers. Two private screenings are scheduled, July 17th in Spruce Pine and […]

Second Tuesday Life Drawing – August

Toe River Arts Gallery - Spruce Pine 269 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine, NC, United States

Bring your favorite drawing implements and surfaces or use the provided materials, and let’s spend an evening each month drawing together. We’ll alternate months between clothed live models and still […]